Tackling the Details of Harris Roberts


hoto by Rebekah Schnaubelt

With hard work, determination, and passion, Harris proves that anyone can accomplish their dreams

Most dreams cannot be measured in distance, weight, or even time. But for Harris Roberts, his dreams are measured 110 yards across a football field. His hard work, dedication, and goals have all contributed into making him the successful football player he has become. With ten years of experience, Harris has played recreational football for Bennett Park, middle level football for Little Mill Middle School, and is currently playing for our school, North Forsyth High School.  “As I got older, the competition got faster and the game became more complex,” Roberts said as I spoke with him. “As I progressed, I was able to develop my game.”  Interviewing such an aspiring and inspirational young man was an honor.

Questions with Harris:


What are the best and worst aspects of football?

Other than being the best sport ever and being surrounded by the greatest team, I love the thrill from competing and winning. The worst aspects are losing and conditioning, but overall it makes us a better team by teaching us values and helping us to perform to our best ability.


It’s amazing you have a full course load and multiple Advanced Placement classes. Is football hard to balance with school?

Yes because it takes time away from school, and I also play basketball and baseball.


What are your opinions of work, dedication, sacrifice, reward, ECT?

I believe rewards will be reaped when you work hard and dedicate yourself. Without work, dedication, and sacrifice, I would have never made it to the 2013 6AAAAAA Region Playoffs.


Who is your greatest role model? Who are your athletic role models?

My dad is by far my greatest role model because he always encourages and supports me. Tim Tebow and Dan Marino are my greatest athletic role models because they are great examples of the player I hope to one day become.


Recently we heard you were injured, how did it happen? Do you think it will affect your playing?

During the game, Alpharetta’s lineman landed full force onto my left shoulder. I don’t believe it will affect my playing, and if it does, I’ll figure out how to overcome it.


We heard you were recruited by Princeton, an Ivy League institution, was it one of your school choices? What are your other school choices?

Princeton was one of my school choices. My other choices are Washington and Lee University, and Case Western Reserve University. I’ll be happy going to any of them because they all have great football programs.


Do you hope to make football a career?

I would love to, but the chances of having an NFL career are slim to none. I will work as hard as I can, and whatever is meant to happen, will happen, and I’ll be able to say that I put all my effort forth.