The varsity North Forsyth girls lacrosse team huddles in to break down in a loud cheer to get excited and pumped up before the game.
To start off the season, the lady Raiders have played some tough and heart-filled games in the month of February. They battled against the Chattahoochee Cougars, Whitewater Wildcats, Lambert Longhorns, Milton Eagles and West Wolverines to make a very difficult schedule.
Long time region member Chattahoochee put up a thrilling game against North Forsyth to jump start the Raider lacrosse season on Feb. 14. The game ended with a score of 17-5 against the Lady Raiders which wasn’t a way the girls wished to spend their Valentines night; however, Freshman Sophia Eglian stated, “I think of the team as my best friends, so I enjoyed spending my Valentine’s Day hanging with them instead.” With goals scored by Senior Brittney Smith, Junior Julianna Chesna, Junior Jordan Smith and Freshman Sophia Eglian, the game proved as a stepping stone to many players who played their very first varsity game or scored for the first time on a high school team.
Compared to the 2016 season of the Varsity Lady Raider lacrosse team with a score of 10-9, the girls pulled another close game to a win after playing Whitewater on Feb. 22 which ended in a score of 11-10 for NFHS. Head Coach Kienle described the game as “exhilarating yet nerve racking all at the same time, and I couldn’t be prouder of the team.” This proved to be an exceptional night as the JV Lady Lacrosse team also won against Whitewater with a score of 6-5 with glorious saves from the starting JV goalie, Freshman Shelby Yarbrough.
Next on the schedule, the Lambert Longhorns arrived to Raider Valley in an in-county game with the Raiders. Sadly, the Raiders fell too short against Lambert with a score of 15-2. The only goals of the night came from Junior Julianna Chesna and Senior Brittney Smith with spectacular offensive help from other teammates. Defensive players such as Senior Deana Short and Senior Kailey Posea stepped up on the defensive end to lead younger players during the challenges against Lambert. Junior Meghan Smith said, “This was my first time playing Lambert on the varsity level and was an eye opener on how good our senior players have become and how much I have still to learn in the game.”
To conclude the month of February, Raiders faced off the Milton Eagles who have won state ten times and have had numerous players go division one in college for lacrosse. The score amount to 18-1 with a terrifying loss for the Lady Raider lacrosse team. The solo goal was scored by Sophomore Ashley Baysden who commented, “It was amazing to be able to score on such a hard team to even compete against. It really gave me a boost of confidence that makes me play with more aggressiveness.”
Lady Raider lacrosse constantly has games until late April and are usually at least once a week. Come out and support your local North Forsyth Lady Raider lacrosse team at Raider Valley for “A Night of Hope” which is to support Children’s Organ Donation Association (CODA) on March 23.