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Staring into the sunset is the perfect break.
You need a break
A break from school
A break from work
You just need a break
But, that doesn’t just happen
Life doesn’t stop just because you want it to
There is no pause button
There is no stopping
Stopping would mean giving up
A break would mean you have no hope
Even if there isn’t any left
You can’t stop life
Life is all about lessons
Lessons that can teach you
Lessons that can help you
Even if it is hard to see
Don’t give up
Do not let your thoughts get the best of you
You are more
More than what you think you can be
Those are words no one has ever said to me
Words I want to hear
No one knows the pain
No one but yourself
I am what keeps me going
I am the only reason I need
A reason to keep going
A reason to never want a break
Even if it’s the only thing I want.