Dear Someone Special…

Live your life for the Lord and you will find yourself in the eternal kingdom in the sky, holding the hand of Jesus Christ himself.

Live your life for the Lord and you will find yourself in the eternal kingdom in the sky, holding the hand of Jesus Christ himself.

Rachel Lee, Staff Writer

I tend to think that I am a pretty talented person. I have been told that I have a gift with the written word. I am not terrible when it comes to art. I am not bad at soccer. I am usually very good at communicating with people. I respect other people, I say “please” and “thank you”, “yes ma’am”, “no ma’am”, and I also never take anyone for granted. I know what has been given graciously to me by the Lord and I try to avoid dwelling on what hasn’t been given to me. I love God, The Father, and The Holy Spirit with my whole heart and soul. I try as hard as I possibly can to help people in need of it. That is why, my sister… my brother… I have written this letter to you.

I want you to know that whatever struggles you may be enduring, you are certainly not alone. I am here for you and I will do everything I can to see your beautiful smile. The Lord is also here with you. He always is and always will be. The reality that He is everywhere at the same time is much too difficult for our minds to fully grasp. But as you cry at night, as you worry about your financial stability or as you worry about those who are ill, He is there. While you stare into your mirror pointing out every single flaw and every single imperfection on your body, He is holding your hand. He is yelling out your name and desperately trying to get you to hear him tell you he loves you. He is lifting you up. He is kissing every single tear falling from your sad eyes. He is here, my friend.

The world he created was made specifically for you. Every blade of grass, every drop of rain, every strand of hair- He made it all just for you. In all of the world’s beauty, He looked around and found that something was missing. That missing piece was you. No matter your struggle, never lose sight of what is truly important. Live your life for the Lord and you will find yourself in the eternal kingdom, holding the hand of Jesus Christ himself.


If you live your life for God, your sorrows will forever feel lighter.



A Friend