14 Years of Hunger Games

Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) played in the movie adaptation of “The Hunger Games.”


Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) played in the movie adaptation of “The Hunger Games.”

Sept. 4 was the 14th anniversary of Suzanne Collins’ “The Hunger Games.” First published in 2008 with a movie adaptation in 2012, the series was a major part of the dystopian fantasy kick-off in the literature world.


“The Hunger Games” is a futuristic novel where Katniss Everdeen is selected to compete in the Hunger Games, an event where 24 tributes are thrown into an arena but only one exits. Over the course of several weeks, she must train vigorously to be prepared for the arena. She faces love, heartbreak, grief and intense emotions that no 16-year-old should have to deal with.


Collins’ book is a heart-wrenching story that keeps the reader engaged. With characters that draw you in and a plot that keeps you reading, “The Hunger Games” was truly an enjoyable read.


I found that an appealing aspect of the novel was the love story. Reading about Katniss’ inner conflict was similar to being tugged back and forth, never knowing which way it would end. Throughout her time in the arena she falls for Peeta Mellark, the other tribute from her district. At the same time, flourishing feelings for her best friend pop up, and she’s constantly torn between the two.


The book is set in the future, which is unsettling in a way because the concept of the Hunger Games might be more real than you think. Rather than historical accuracy, Collins uses futuristic accuracy, taking key points from the present and projecting them to the future to estimate the lifestyle. Sometimes she references something that takes place in the past in the books that is similar to an event that would occur now.


The reading level is easy, meaning that it’s available for many people to read. Though the target audience is generally younger teenagers; the book displays themes that tend to be directed toward more mature readers.


The story is told by Katniss herself, which leads to unreliable narration. If the book had a more vague perspective, the plot might be better explained because Katniss has a biased point of view. However, getting to see into Karniss’ mind and receiving explanations for her actions is an invigorating and frustrating experience.


“The Hunger Games” has become such a popular franchise among children and adults alike, that they have expanded and even have an official Twitter and Instagram. If someone were to ask for a book recommendation, I would not hesitate to recommend “The Hunger Games”!