What Do North Students Have to Say About Senior Week Spirit Themes?

Caption: My first day of kindergarten outfit, which will be revisited on Throwback Thursday (Photo from Gracie Zimmerman)

End of the year activities: something every senior looks forward to. With football season, homecoming and senior’s final week, spirit days are plentiful at North Forsyth. This year’s lineup includes Bobby C Day, Anything But A Backpack Day, Future Day, Throwback Thursday and Senior Citizen Day. But what does North’s student body have to say about these themes?


Prior to Bobby C Day, it was decided as Adam Sandler Day. However, many people were upset about the decision. Senior Megan Hubay said her least favorite theme was Adam Sandler Day because “we had one for spirit week already.” For basketball’s homecoming spirit week, Adam Sandler was featured. When having a spirit week to wrap up their time at North Forsyth, seniors want something memorable, not repetitive. It is very appreciated that the theme changed, especially to honor our dear principal’s birthday.


One thing that is important to Raider Nation is tradition. Picking off of last year’s senior spirit week, Anything But A Backpack Day is back. This may seem repetitive, as the Adam Sandler theme was, but this is something that can be personal. Students have the choice to bring (almost) anything to hold their supplies for that day.


Wednesday isFuture Day. This can be pretty broad, as people can dress as their college of choice or their intended career. Many students at North are signed athletes, meaning they could dress in their future uniform, or people can go simple and wear a simple college tee with jeans. This day is perfect for those who like to go out, but also those who prefer to keep it casual.


Swinging it back all the way to the beginning, Thursday is the classic Throwback Thursday. Students are encouraged to dress in clothes they would’ve worn in kindergarten. Break out those neon plaid bermuda shorts and jersey tees, because the 2010’s are back in style. I can say with confidence that I will be recreating my first day of kindergarten picture.


Finishing out the week in true fashion, seniors are showing their age with Senior Citizen Day. Dressed in wigs and walkers, seniors will be playing bingo to win prizes. Hubay stated that “[her favorite theme] is Senior Citizen Day.” But on the opposing side, senior Sophie Gavin “would change Senior Citizen Day to Adam Sandler Day.” This is the last official day for seniors, so it’s important to consider what they would truly want. However, pulling it full circle and having a senior themed day for the last regular senior day is clever, and can be appreciated regardless of opinion.


Whether you choose to dress up or not, expect to see many seniors dressed according to the designated theme. This is the last hoorah for many and North admin would be thrilled to see a great participation rate.