Halloween Traditions

Halloween costumes are the most fun part of the holiday, and homemade ones are the coolest. Freshman, Andrew Moore spent the last three months making this highly detailed cosplay costume for Halloween.

Scary ghosts and ghouls, the undead come out to play one day each year. In the darkness they hide, lurking out of the corner of your eye. Supernatural creatures hunt from the shadows. The dark, cold night can be none other than Halloween night. Trick-or-treaters howling, running and jumping, excited for candy and sweet treats. Cute princesses, mighty warriors, vicious demons, zombies, and video game characters all sniff out the best candy of the night. Creepy faces carved into pumpkins watch everyone approach from the porch.  Decorations designed specifically for scaring the wits out of every man, woman and child cover every house on every street.

Popular traditions range far and wide, from trick-or-treating to parties. Among popular vote from students here at NFHS, some of the traditions are dressing up, giving out candy, watching horror films, and one of the most popular was scaring the wits out of friends, neighbors, and strangers.Who can have Halloween without candy? All-time favorite Halloween candies seem to mostly be chocolate, though Whoppers are the least popular among trick-or-treaters. Snickers, Twix, M & M’s, 3 Musketeers, Reese’s, and Milky Way were the top picks for chocolaty sweets found in our pillowcases. Jolly Ranchers, Skittles of all assortments, and Nerds were the fruity treats that topped the charts. But the major candy that is a Halloween favorite isn’t even among the free trick-or-treating goodies, Candy Corn.

Pumpkin carvings are a must and guard every doorstep. Basic favorites are Scary Tree carvings and Goblin carvings. But the coolest carvings are the themed ones. Doctor Who, Nintendo, Harry Potter, DC Comics, and Pirates of the Caribbean were amongst the most awesome pumpkin spotting.

Top poll scores for the coolest Halloween Costume go to: Girl Scout, Mulan, Link from Legend of Zelda, Jack Sparrow, Tyrael: Archangel of Justice, and Slenderman.

Crazy memories drift in everyone’s past, especially about this holiday. Wild parties, candy trading, scary Haunted houses, and sheer fun scaring others are the most fun memories to have this time of year, but making them is way more fun.

Though Halloween is only one night a year, and there is almost always school the day after, have fun this Halloween and snag enough candy to last until Christmas. Be wary, though, of the dreaded monster that is sugar crash.