A Queen’s Remorse


Photo by Jack Fleming

Feeling abandoned, the queen prepares herself to address her people of their grave situation. However not all is lost, she will rise above it.

After discovering this one life shattering truth she addressed the people…


With pain in her heart, “I come before you today to clear all lies that have been spread. My marriage has been my deepest pleasure in life. As you all know my husband is openly loving and from what I’ve believed has cherished our time together. However,”

She paused, closed her eyes and briefly rested her head on the backside of her hand. The people of the city intently witnessed as they sensed her tragedy.

Continuing with tendered cheeks, “However, before my own eyes I have discovered the worst. My husband has been having suggestive relations with a woman from a neighboring court.”

She tightly clenched the stone railing before her. With her emotion of pain physically radiating through her she continued with little strength.

“I awoke this morning to find an empty bed. The king has left this land. The king has left me.”

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath as the people listening gasped and began to ask questions building to a dull roar.

“I understand you have many concerns. Believe me when I say no one is more concerned than I am. The council and I will be working to keep the kingdom functioning and safe.

The only request I ask of you is to remember the friendship that we share. I have walked the streets of this city for many years and have had the privilege to befriend many of you. This land is not new to my knowledge. We will find a light.”

Turning back into the palace, she left her people baffled and saddened. With her gaze fixed straight ahead she didn’t speak a word as she passed friends and advisors. She walked directly to her chambers with her arms clinging to her waist holing her self together. She entered her room and closed the door behind her. There she stayed for the rest of the day.