The Art of Vandalism
Some of these doodles are simple, depicting what a lecture made them think of, or what they would rather be doing.
Sometimes, students in different class periods draw inspiration from each other, adding to one another’s drawings to create colludes of vandalism.
Anything drawn, doodled, or wrote on a desk is of course, considered destruction of school property, so most are left anonyms. However this does not change the fact that some are intricately drawn.
Never the less, some are simple crude messages from one student to another, put in places any passerby can easily see and read, the majority of which are uplifting in nature, consisting of “I love you-s” and “hello’s”
Studies have shown that doodling during class is not a lack of attention for all students, in fact it can actually help them focus, especially those with ADD/ ADHD, as it gives something to do with their hands while in class.
In some cases it is actually proof that students are taking in a bit, even if it is only a catchphrase.
It is my best guess, that some students simply want to be remembered, tagging their favorite teacher’s walls with their names.
Other times its things that have influenced them, from popular movie quotes to earth shattering world news. This shows beyond any doubt that school is not the only thing floating around in the minds of Americas teenagers.
Other times its things that have influenced them, from popular movie quotes to earth shattering world news. This shows beyond any doubt that school is not the only thing floating around in the minds of Americas teenagers.
Ethan Simmons, Staff Writer
February 12, 2015
Some of these doodles are simple, depicting what a lecture made them think of, or what they would rather be doing.
Sometimes, students in different class periods draw inspiration from each other, adding to one another’s drawings to create colludes of vandalism.
Anything drawn, doodled, or wrote on a desk is of course, considered destruction of school property, so most are left anonyms. However this does not change the fact that some are intricately drawn.
Never the less, some are simple crude messages from one student to another, put in places any passerby can easily see and read, the majority of which are uplifting in nature, consisting of “I love you-s” and “hello’s”
Studies have shown that doodling during class is not a lack of attention for all students, in fact it can actually help them focus, especially those with ADD/ ADHD, as it gives something to do with their hands while in class.
In some cases it is actually proof that students are taking in a bit, even if it is only a catchphrase.
It is my best guess, that some students simply want to be remembered, tagging their favorite teacher’s walls with their names.
Other times its things that have influenced them, from popular movie quotes to earth shattering world news. This shows beyond any doubt that school is not the only thing floating around in the minds of Americas teenagers.
Other times its things that have influenced them, from popular movie quotes to earth shattering world news. This shows beyond any doubt that school is not the only thing floating around in the minds of Americas teenagers.
We have all seen it, doodles and drawings on the desks and walls of the school. Although most of us pay little or no attention to them, yet upon closer inspection, they can be quite interesting, showing a spark of creativity that can sometimes feel squashed in the midst of mundane note tacking. It’s a small window into the wandering mind of a teenager and, at least to a few, pretty cool. Now for obvious reasons I have excluded slander and blatant profanity, witch as it so happens makes up about 80% of the graffiti found on desks and bathroom stalls.