Introducing New Assistant Principal, Ms. Oliver
“I just want everyone to know that my door is open for students and faculty if they need anything. I am here for everyone’s benefit.”
August 31, 2015
With many new attributes introduced at NFHS so comes our new assistant principal, Ms. Oliver. After being interviewed, she expressed her life story and voiced how excited she is about this upcoming year and many to come.
Starting as an English teacher, working twelve years in Mississippi and eight years at South, she chose to enter the life of an assistant principal at Lambert. It is fairly certain Mrs. Oliver has shared her time in the school environment. What keeps bringing her back to the halls filled with rambunctious adolescence? Her love for teenagers, of course! Having two children herself, she truly has a liking to our generation. Now, she takes her third year of being an assistant principal and clearly enjoys what she is doing. Thankfully, she has joined us here and because we are glad to have her to share our memories at NFHS.
Q: How would you describe the color yellow to someone who is blind?
A: Warm, but not hot. Almost welcoming and lighthearted.
Batman or Deadpool?
Batman, by far.
Do you have any crazy life stories?
Well, one time I accidentally walked into a department store’s window after they had just cleaned them, and yes, someone did see me do it.
What changes do you hope to make at North?
I want students to be able to achieve and have the same opportunities as every other student. I want them to be able to feel like they can do so and believe that us, the administrators, are here to help them.
What small acts of kindness that you’ve received have you not forgotten?
When I was at my daughter’s softball game, my son fell from off the top of the bleachers and, not only did other parents help, but they stopped the softball game and even provided him with a well needed popsicle.
How would you describe today’s general teen?
Definitely electronically social. They are very influenced by their friends and have a lot more opportunities than they realize.
Do you have any preferences as to how we should prevent bullying and harassment in such a vast school?
Whoever is being exposed to any harsh treatment should report to their counselor in the very beginning.
Favorite 80’s Jam?
Not much of an 80’s fan, I prefer the 90’s Bon Jovi.
If there was a movie about your life, who would play you?
- Most likely Sandra Bullock or Tina Fey.
How did you survive high school?
Well, I played sports, so I was automatically in a group. I think the biggest thing is to be involved in something that is larger than yourself because it keeps you occupied. Any clubs or after school activities are the key.