Dogs are no longer man’s best friend

This is the “best friend” chameleon of North Forsyth student India Watson, who states, “I would choose Pacha over any dog any day.”
December 14, 2016
Is dog truly man’s best friend? Many people believe that dogs are the best pet, but there are many other alternatives – check out this list and find yourself a new best friend!
Hedgehog: These little pets are small and hand held. Many people are finding that hedgehogs are the perfect solution for a pet. Hedgehogs are relatively quiet animals, and are perfect if one lives in an apartment. They don’t need to be walked like a regular dog, for they only need to come out of the cage for a little “stretch of the legs. They are quite a manageable pet!
Boa Constrictor Snake: AHH snake! Oh, but these slimy creatures are actually quite friendly. If you aren’t afraid of snakes, this may be the right pet for you! They are low maintenance, and they don’t make any noise so you don’t have to worry about them barking if someone comes to the door.
Dwarf Pig: These miniature pigs are so cute! They are cuddle friendly, and such caring animals when it comes to their human companion. Also, some of these pigs are able to fit in a tea cup, so space isn’t an issue.
Chameleon: Nowadays, many people have been purchasing these colorful creatures as household pets. They are easily manageable, and simple animals. They do not make noise, nor do they need a lot of space. A normal size cage will do just fine for them. Vets for chameleons are becoming easier to find because there has been a sudden rise in purchases of these lovely creatures.
These are only four animals that are becoming man’s best friend. Dogs beware! Don’t forget that a pet doesn’t have to be limited to a dog or a cat, there are hundreds of other animals someone can name as their pet.