Russian Hacking Scandal: The Truth Among The Lies

The above photo conveys an envelope (to represent a vote sent out), a symbol from Russia (to convey they had something to do with it), and a symbol for win with a ‘x’ through it (to show there was no direct effect from this event).
March 7, 2017
Throughout the course of Donald J. Trump’s win, there have been many protests for recounts and for him to be impeached due to the claim that Russia hacked into the governmental system and altered the voting in Trump’s favor, which caused the Democratic committee a harsh loss.
Many have stated that the voting was affected, but that is simply not true. The National Intelligence confirms Russia hacked into the Democratic Committee system; however, they had no long term effect on the vote and even if they had left the system alone, Trump still would have won the election. On Dec. 29, the FBI Department of Homeland Security reported Russia was “behind the Democratic National Committee hacking”, but it is still unclear if Vladimir Putin handed over the leaked information to the American Government-credit to PBS news for the majority of this content. BBC news stated the hacking occurred due to permitted access by someone of high authorization, but also supports the statement that it had no long-term effect on the voting outcome. Lastly, Fast states that there was a “declassified report to say Putin released an order to influence the election and had access to the computers for over a year before they actually hacked into the system,” which does prove the hacking did happen, but there is no evidence to support that it affected anything.