Kapow! Closes for Good After Eight Years

Kapow! holds a Magic: The Gathering tournament, with players playing in the Kapow! gaming area. Source:http://kapowcomics.tcgplayerpro.com/about-us/
Kapow! Comics, Gaming and Toys permanently closed Feb. 7 for many reasons. First opening in August of 2012, Kapow! was a comic book and gaming store that helped with customers’ nerdy needs. They sold thousands of comics, trading cards, Funko Pops, collectibles and much more. Owner Andy Dhiel would come and play games with his customers and would make sure that everyone found everything they needed. Dhiel posted on Facebook claiming they are closing because “We grew way too big way too fast and the financial burden is just too much right now.”
Kapow! caught fire back in February of 2017, burning thousands of dollars worth of collectibles and comics. But it made its comeback after they started expanding into a closed down restaurant next door. It became bigger with plans of a food court. They still had their normal events such as Magic: The Gathering, a card game with fantasy creatures like wizards and zombies who participate in tournaments on Friday nights, and Dungeons and Dragons Mondays and Wednesdays. The place was booming, and business was good.
However, the cost of expanding the place went over their heads, and they were expanding too quickly. Unable to keep up with it, store manager Amber Nixon posted on Jan. 24 to Facebook the message, “We have some sad news for everyone. We will be closing our store down for good over the next two weeks.”
Since then, they have put a 30% discount on everything in attempt to sell out what they can before closing informing customers that, “Back issue comics and new issues including trades will be buy one get one free.” and “Starting Saturday, everything in the store will be 30 percent off”
The store will be missed by its regular customers as people were running in to get what they could and to play a game one last time before the once small gaming community closed for good.

Hiya, I’m Kai. This is my fourth and final year of Journalism. I like playing video games, my favorites being Bioshock and Not for Broadcast. I have...