North Forsyth Girls JV Soccer Ties 0-0 with Lumpkin County

  • Despite the freezing weather, every player showed determination and resolve as they played. (Photo by: Emma Simmons)

  • Lumpkin County and North Forysth faced off in the Raider Valley after school. (photo by: Emma Simmons)

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On Monday, Feb. 1, the Raider JV Girls soccer team faced off against Lumpkin County after school at 5:30 in the Raider Valley. The game was delayed slightly due to an issue with the clock and scoreboard, so time was kept on the field for the first half. It was 30 degrees when the game started, and the girls on the bench did their best to stay warm. However, the less than optimal weather did not stop the spirit of the teams as they went out to the field to play their best. 

The ball started in possession of Lumpkin County, and it immediately traveled down toward the Raider’s goal. This force was a defining characteristic of the Lumpkin team along with strong communication between the players. Though Lumpkin showed promise, North had attributes that  included a willing defense and an abundance of verbal encouragement, which matched Lumpkin’s determination. 

There were several close calls against the Raiders early on in the game. Lumpkin’s players pushed the ball down the field and tried for a goal a number of times. However, with the  combination of North’s goalie’s blocks and the efforts of the defense to keep the ball out of the goal, no points were scored. 

When the Raiders managed to move the ball towards Lumpin’s goal they were met with equal effort to keep them from scoring. With matched effort from both sides, neither side was able to gain any points. 

At halftime, the score was 0-0.

The narrative was the same in the second half. Lumpkin County and North Forsyth matched in both determination and ability. However, The Raiders began to push back with more force. As Sarah Treusch, #32 said, “Our first half wasn’t the best we could have played, but we discussed it during halftime and picked it up a bit in the second half.” There were close calls on both sides. In fact, at the very end of the game, with a few seconds left on the board, the Raiders almost scored. However, a collision with Lumpkin’s goalie stopped it just before a point could be scored.

Thus, the final score was a tie 0-0. 

The JV Lady Raiders will play against South Forsyth on Feb. 8 in the Radier Valley. Let’s show our support as the season continues.