2021 NFHS Indoor Drumline Theme “A Day In The Office”

Drumline performed at Denmark High School on Feb 20. Photo By: GIPA Percussion

Every year North Forsyth High School’s indoor drumline competes at the state and national level through performance and shows. This year, the drumline is performing a show with the theme “A Day In The Office” based on the movie “Office Space.” The show starts with the synchronized typing of keyboards and the ringing of telephones, as one would hear in an office setting, and the performance goes through the plot of the movie. They end the show by smashing a printer.


The drumline’s season continues until the end of March with competitions around the county. The drumline competes with schools around the state by setting up, performing and cleaning up after a show in just nine minutes.


In competition, the countdown starts as soon as the first person crosses the timeline and onto the stage. The drumline starts setting up immediately and has a few minutes to do so; therefore, their set is portable and has wheels. Since the show is office-themed, the set consists of rolling chairs, desks and homemade “cubicles” on rollers. The show moves through the plot of the movie in a little over five minutes. When Nick Tucker, the drumline instructor, was asked how the theme was chosen, he said, “I had this idea on an office show based off the element of desks and rolling chairs.”


The movie “Office Space” is about a man named Peter Gibbons who does not like his job. He goes through hypnotherapy, but during one session, his therapist dies. He refuses to do his job, but when he and his friends learn that the company is being downsized, they take revenge. 


The drumline uses the movie as a baseline for their performance. They quickly perform the story with percussion instruments and choreography, recreating the movie in under nine minutes. 


On Feb. 20, the drumline performed at Denmark High School and received a score of 75.25 points out of 100 points. On March 20, the drumline will perform at Lambert High School. There are limited tickets. The championships are on March 27 held here, at North Forsyth High School.