The Cost of War—How It Could Affect the World
Ukrainians flee to Poland in hope of finding safety until the tensions lessen. Photo by Reuters.
As of March 27, 2022, there have been 1,151 civilian deaths and 1,824 civilians injured during Russia’s military attack. According to Daily Mail, following Ukraine’s latest blow, Russia’s army “has now seen 17,000 soldiers killed.”
Ever since the invasion on Feb. 24, “more than 1.5 million people have fled Ukraine,” and bombings that have destroyed the escape routes have made it difficult for many Ukrainians. According to the Guardian, an unnamed individual, who was living in Svalyava, says that he will seek refuge in Hungary with his brother in fear of “Russian assault and of potentially being called up to the Ukrainian army.”
Many of the surrounding European countries, on all sides of the border, are making accommodations for refugees potentially crossing their borders. They have made lists of the places where the refugees can stay, the number of people it could hold, the cost and the timeframe of having each building set up. According to The Guardian, Countries such as Poland are “already home to about 2 million Ukrainians, many of whom moved after the 2014 conflict.”
Countries all around the world have limited their trading with Russia, and if the war continues, these nations will suffer greatly. The United States is a major trading partner with Russia; however, there has been a decrease in the number of imports of Russian Oil. Rumors of “a full embargo” have arisen, but it will be most successful if European allies are included. With the U.S ban, “the impact on Russia would likely be minimal” since the United States only accounts for a small part of Russia’s oil exports, and they do not buy the country’s natural gas. With support from European nations, the effect will be much greater in hopes of crippling Russia’s economy. According to USA Today, the U.S ban has led to an inflation of gas prices in the United States to an “average of $6.02.” Many gas stations located all over the country are reporting prices as “about $2 over the state average.”
It doesn’t look like the war will end in the next couple of months, meaning citizens in all countries allied with Ukraine must be understanding and adapt to the changes that will occur.

Hey guys my name is Madison Lamons, and I am a junior this year. This is my first year being a staff writer for the Raider Wire and I am so excited...