Nothing, Nowhere, All The Time
I stand on the cliff edge, stare out to the black
Swirling shades of nothing and nowhere
With the crimped edges of my fingertips
Reaching to the horizon, stretching everywhere
Touching everything
Feeling nothing
Pulsing like that thing growing in the corner
Dying in the light
Gravity divides beneath me
And the night multiplies.
Am I born of the same dust that coats me now?
A million fingertips touch my eyes
Pulling the color from my irises
Painting the nothing in shades of blue and green
Turning me inside out, right side in
I become nothing
And nowhere
Everything and everywhere collide
Dulling my beige to gray
To black
To nothing.
There is nothing everywhere now.

Hey, guys! My name is Emma Simmons, and I am Sarah’s other half and Co-Editor. This is my fourth and final year of journalism, so everyone is in for...