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The student news site of North Forsyth High School

The Raider Wire

The student news site of North Forsyth High School

The Raider Wire

The student news site of North Forsyth High School

The Raider Wire

Are You Dressing Cuter than a High-Schooler?

Kate Jennings
Bob Carnaroli flexes his superior fashion opinions with pride.

No matter who they are or where they come from, everyone has a sense of style and a taste in fashion. Fashion varies infinitely, and trends tend to follow the general population. But which trends are truly timeless, and which are just plain trashy? Are your clothes hot or not? The students at North Forsyth have a lot to say.

The first trend thrown to the wolves in the Raider Café may be the most controversial clothing piece of the past couple years: jorts. That’s right, the long jean-shorts best worn by Adam Sandler that have been taking over the teenage universe. As far as the results go when asked Hot or Not, the controversy holds its ground. Answers ranged from “Ew that’s so Adam Sandler core, not” to “No!! Absolutely not,” to “Hot, easy.” 

So maybe they aren’t that controversial, maybe they just aren’t hot. This could just as easily be blamed on who wears the clothes, though; if you can’t make it work, it’s not the jorts’ fault. It’s 100% yours. If Adam Sandler can make them work, you can too. 

There is one item of clothing North students seem to agree no one can make work anymore: North Forsyth high-schoolers are almost all a part of the ‘wife-beater’ hate club.

“I hate them…they look–slimy,” were the words of a particularly strongly opinionated student. 

They couldn’t be more right. If the name alone doesn’t scare you away from wearing these tank tops, you scare me. And I’m sure you’re scaring plenty of other people, too–put your arms away.

Now, this next one might turn a few heads, but it’s gone too long without being discussed: the Lululemon girl. Let’s talk about her– or at least her clothes. She may not be the only one wearing crocs and athleisure on a day-to-day basis, but you can be certain she’s the only one wearing them like a second skin.

Contrary to what can now be called unpopular belief, the students at North like her. They have spoken, and her leggings are “hot”; even Principal Bob Carnaroli can be quoted as saying “Yes!” when answering if crocs were “hot or not”.

If you were on the fence before, rest assured that the right opinion has been defined: Carnaroli has spoken, and his opinions may as well supersede those of all students combined. So, the next time you go to put on shoes and glare at those crocs you bought in 2020, reflect for a moment: WWCD? What would Carnaroli do? Maybe try them on again for a day. You may just turn yourself into a North Forsyth high-schooler deemed fashion icon.

About the Contributors
Abbey Underhill
Abbey Underhill, Staff Writer
Hi!! My name is Abbey Underhill and I am a senior at North Forsyth. This is my first (but unfortunately last) year in Journalism, and I cannot wait to work on the lit mag and gain new experience in the world of journalism. I am extremely passionate about creative writing as well as drawing, listening to music, fashion, and reading anything I can get my hands on. When I’m not at school, you can find me at work…or thrifting and spending way too much money at Marie’s Italian Deli. I can’t wait to be staff writer for the Raider Wire this year!!
Kate Jennings
Kate Jennings, Features Editor
Heyy! My name is Kate Jennings, I am the Features Editor and this is my second year of journalism. I am very interested in journalism and photography, I also wish to travel in the future! I would really love to be able to go to Italy and photograph the beautiful architecture. This year in journalism I am excited to grow my experience as a journalist and increase my writing skills! In the future I would love to hold a position as an editor-in-chief if that could be an option for me because I love having leadership positions. I feel my best when I am helping lead people through things so hopefully holding an editor position will be beneficial to me!