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The student news site of North Forsyth High School

The Raider Wire

The student news site of North Forsyth High School

The Raider Wire

Top 9 Thanksgiving Dishes

Unsplash- Claudio Schwarz
A cooked turkey being cut into, inspired by the spirit of Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving is a holiday that many hold dear, as it brings a sense of unity to America. To continue, this holiday serves as a reminder to remain cheerful and relish in the spirit of fulfillment. When most recall the Thanksgiving holiday, they will remember when their families were brought together, sharing beautiful memories and stories while enjoying a festive meal. Food is Central to this celebration, which always remains at the center of the anniversary’s best qualities- gratification, thankfulness and appreciation. The sharing of the meal on Thanksgiving stands as a symbol of the timeliness and kinship that defines this holiday. Since food is crucial to understanding the Thanksgiving celebration, here are the top 10 Thanksgiving Food Dishes in the United States. 


  1. Roasted Turkey, an all-time favorite, has always held a special place on the dinner table during the Holidays, especially Thanksgiving. Not only does Turkey make an excellent celebratory centerpiece, but it is also a significant part of Thanksgiving’s history. When the first Thanksgiving Feast was held many years ago, turkey was served as a dish on the menu. To reiterate, turkey’s presence in history has caused it to become not only a beloved symbol for the holiday but a delicacy many Americans look forward to consuming. 


  1. Mashed Potatoes, a staple of the American diet, complement the many flavors accompanying the Thanksgiving feast. Although sometimes simplistic, mashed potatoes are versatile- and have endless opportunities surrounding them.

  2. Stuffing, or Dressing, is a prevalent dish among the American people. Being known for its blend of bread, herbs and vegetables- seasoned to perfection- it’s nearly impossible to forget this dish. After stuffing makes a place on the Thanksgiving table, no one can resist trying to obtain a bite of this savory delight. 


  1. Although most dishes offer a salty, savory flavor to the Thanksgiving feast, Cranberry Sauce provides a sweet, tangy relief, a refreshing contrast to the previous dishes. Furthermore, the difference in cranberry sauce flavors allows for a harmonious balance of flavors that somehow complement each other. 


  1. Pumpkin Pie, an essential player in satisfying America’s hunger during this holiday, has set a place for itself among the many crucial dishes Thanksgiving offers. Pumpkin Pie provides a snapshot of the fall season in one bite and packs an immense amount of flavor that many Americans love. The smooth pumpkin filling within the perfect, flaky crust combines the ideal texture, making Pumpkin Pie a crowd-pleaser. 


  1. Sweet Potato Casserole, a mixture of marshmallows, sweet potatoes and pecans, is a dish that offers nostalgia and comfort during the Thanksgiving season. Providing the perfected combination of texture, flavor and tenderness- having sweet potato casserole available on Thanksgiving day will add to Thanksgiving’s delectable dining experience. 


  1. Like Sweet Potato Casserole, Green Bean Casserole adds a sweet, salty flavor combination to the equation. The soft, crusted layer of fresh green beans that guard the delicate insides of caramelized onions provides the perfect mixture of delicacy in every bite; with an elementary ingredient list that still manages to form a miracle, it is easy to see why green bean casserole is famous during this holiday. 


  1. Cornbread is full of surprises, as it has a beautiful golden crust that hides a sweet, soft inside. Almost every bite contains a sliver of fresh corn and has proven its dominance as a southern delicacy. Overall, it’s delicious and can be paired with practically anything, especially a Thanksgiving meal. 


  1. Toasty, crunchy caramelized Brussels sprouts, dipped into the sweetest mixture of sugary goodness- cooked to perfection- that’s what truly can make or break a Thanksgiving meal. Furthermore, some enjoy their brussel sprouts extremely burnt, however, others enjoy this dish with a softer, more subtle crunch. No matter how it’s cooked, it has always remained a lovable dish that maintains its rightful place on the dinner table during this Holiday. 


 Thanksgiving is a holiday that can bring people together, despite differences, issues, stress and the weight of everyday life. Being together, and being social is what Thanksgiving is all about. The previous dishes are not only delicious, but they are memorable. Many people will look back on this holiday, and remember spending time with family and friends, eating a selection of flavorful, nostalgic, Thanksgiving dishes. 

About the Contributor
Ava White
Ava White, Staff Writer
Hello! My name is Ava White, and this is my first year as a staff writer for the NFHS Raider Wire. Currently, I am in 11th grade and am so excited to be a part of this amazing team. To continue, I absolutely love writing- and the performing arts. Creepy, odd things are so alluring to me- I find unnatural things incredibly interesting. Outside of campus I visit antique stores and locations and attempt to find peculiar  hidden gems. Furthermore, I am so delighted to see what this year will bring, and I sincerely hope to advance my journalism skills.