In every state and area, there are missing person cases. Here are some of the most recent cases in GA. Emily DeRose stated, “In forensics, we had to do a lab where we looked up missing people on the website Georiga has, it was actually pretty hard and there were so many people who are still missing. It makes you wonder like what if that was me or someone I loved?”
On March 29, 7-year-old Stella Salter was abducted by her mother. Her mother did not have custody of her, so instead of just taking her daughter on a trip, it was flagged as an abduction. She was taken from Lyons GA, which is in Toombs County, not far from the major city of Savannah. The last ping from her mother’s phone was found in Orlando FL. It was then reported that they had boarded a flight to Puerto Rico. They found both the mother and Stella safe in a gift shop on April 6. The mother is currently pending charges as she comes back to the U.S.
A teenage boy by the name of Damani Braithwaite, 15, has been missing since April 1. He lives in Canton, GA. Police believe it is likely a runway case but continue to investigate and try to locate the boy.
Last seen on Feb 2, Marvin Harkess, a 46-year-old GA resident, has disappeared. He was last seen at his work, where his van and personal belongings still are located. According to his wife, he had been acting unusual and could be seen acting strange on a local business’s security footage. More footage was found walking near a fence and sitting down right before his disappearance. His wife stated, “That is not like him at all,” adding, “He’s not OK, this is not his character, this is not who he is.” He is still being searched for, including his church, which has been helping with the search efforts.
A man from AL was found in GA safe and sound. He had been missing since June 26. According to the police department that found him, he filed a prescription to be filled in Rome GA, about a month ago. A police officer pulled him over and when they checked his license, it matched with the missing person report. He was officially declared not missing after this event.