The Senior class Dominates the Powder Puff Tournament
The Raider Powder Puff Tournament 2022
In efforts to raise money for a good cause, the girls of Raider Nation united together in the annual Powder Puff tournament. The senior class dominated the game with a final score of 25-6 in the last bracket.
In the first bracket, juniors and the freshmen competed. Juniors scored first with a run by Gaby Souffrant followed by the freshmen’s score tying the points 6-6 at halftime. A 31-yard carry by Souffrant set up a 10-yard carry for the juniors to a win with a final score of 12-6.
In the second bracket, sophomores and seniors went head to head. Seniors took over at the 32-yard line and successfully gained a first down leading to a touchdown. After a tackle and a loss of 12 yards, the seniors recovered with a complete pass to the senior 48-yard line setting up for another senior touchdown leading to a final score of 14-0.
In the final bracket, juniors and seniors competed. Seniors had it first down and three yards to go and pushed for a first and 20. The ball turned over to the juniors at the senior 14-yard line with the loss of six yards for the Juniors. Juniors had a first down after a carry to the 41-yard line, but the carry was short lived when the seniors took over at the 30-yard line. After a junior first down, the ball was intercepted by senior Erin Whalen, leading to a senior touchdown followed by another touchdown by senior Abby Gravitt. The halftime score with seniors in the lead 12-0.
In the second half, third down and 19 was made for the seniors by Meredith Franklin setting up a complete pass by Ella Gilbert good enough for another senior touchdown. A junior pass was complete to the 49-yard line good enough for a first down, but the ball turned over after fourth down and six. Seniors took over the 49-yard line with a complete pass to the 35-yard line setting up for another complete pass and a senior touchdown where the point after was good. In the final minute of the game, juniors had a complete pass good enough for a touchdown bringing the final score to 25-6 where seniors took the win.
Students had an amazing time, especially the players. Junior Cait Taylor explained, “ Learning to play the actual game of football and learning how it truly works was really fun. I really enjoyed getting to play.”
Senior, Meredith Franklin, explained, “ I enjoyed the crowd and cheerleaders supporting us. I enjoyed making a diving catch and being cheered on by all my teammates. Our class really brought it and gave it our all.”

Hi! My name is Tori Harrill, and I am a senior. This is my second and final year in journalism, and I am ecstatic to be a part of this staff. Outside of...