Upcoming Cheer Tryouts
A recap of cheer tryout information.
Cheer tryouts are soon to be underway for both the competition team and the sideline teams. Both teams have varsity and junior varsity subsections along with a division between football and basketball sideline teams. Those wishing to try out need to have their forms submitted by Mar. 8.
Competition tryouts will take place from Mar. 20 to 23 in the practice gym with the first round of cuts on the 22 and the final list posted online the night of the 23rd. Tumbling/stunting is a requirement and those wishing to be on the varsity team must have a standing back tuck and a roundoff back tuck while the junior varsity team need to have a backhandspring.
Sideline tryouts will be held from Mar. 24 & 27-29 in the practice gym. The final round of tryouts will be on Mar. 30 and cheerleaders must wear solid black shorts, a solid white top, and a white bow. For the varsity team, tumbling and stunting is preferred but not required. Results will be posted online the night of Mar. 30.
Coaches will evaluate students based on ability to remember and learn, motions, showmanship, jumps, tumbling, dance, stunting skills, and work ethic. Cheerleaders are expected to uphold the principles of NFHS Cheerleading which include teamwork and integrity.
In order to participate in tryouts, students must have a current physical on file and insurance verification on the dragonfly app as well as two character reference forms. Cheerleaders must also be passing five out of seven classes, be on track to graduate, enrolled at NFHS, and complete the online form no later than Mar. 8 at 4 p.m.

Hey! I’m Abby Shoemake and I’m a senior this year. I’m so excited for my first year of journalism and can’t wait for you to read all of our wonderful...