Cali Mae Padilla, Staff Writer
Heyo! This is Cali Mae speaking… If someone else were to describe me, they would probably say that I’m quiet, withdrawn and quite strange. But if you knew me (the right way), you would know that I’m actually a very fun person to grow close to. I tend to be the mother figure of the group; a supportive, caring friend that will always be by your side. As a 9th grader, this is my first year of Journalism Newspaper, and I’m excited to work with its wonderful students. I love to draw, skateboard, and take late night walks while listening to my favorite songs (cough cough Cavetown, Girl In Red, MGK, Lil Peep, Youngblud… don’t ask me about music, I won’t be able to stop talking about it). I am a good reader, I have once read a single series over 83 books long (‘I’m crazy, I know’ she said sarcastically). I have a lot of Separation & Social Anxiety, but that won’t stop me from having a good time! I love to watch cartoons and adorable love stories and you’re always welcome to ask for a recommendation. I love to play VRChat and you can find me on Oculus @BL1TZ0. I Luv all you funky little kiddos <3 Go Raiders!