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The Raider Wire

The student news site of North Forsyth High School

The Raider Wire

The student news site of North Forsyth High School

The Raider Wire

Portrait of Jimmy Carter, 39th president of the U.S.

Jimmy Carter: A President to be Remembered

Mylaina Earnhardt, Staff Writer January 24, 2025

On Dec. 29, former president Jimmy Carter died in his home in Plains, GA. At just over 100 years old, Carter was the longest-living president of the U.S. His cause of death remains unknown.   The...

A couple enjoys each other's company as the sun sets. It depicts the various conflicts/ situations any given relationship face, and how, even through the hard times, we will end up finding someone who will not ever leave no matter how hard one tries to chase them away.


Lany Campbell, Staff Writer October 25, 2016

I’m alone when I’m back home. It’s time for a change A subtle change. I’m through with my miserable youth. ………………………………………………………… The...

My favorite verse and my inspiration everyday is definitely Proverbs 30:5; the verse emphasizes how if we just put our trust in Him, He watches over us and keeps us safe in His love. I love it.

Bible Verses For Bad Days

Jade Flack, Staff Writer September 18, 2015

Among the many things than can make me feel better on a bad day, the Bible definitely comes first. There are a myriad of verses that apply to our everyday lives, including guidance through weaknesses,...

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." Matthew 11:28

All Who Are Weary and Burdened

Perri Rabbitt, Staff Writer March 17, 2015

I have felt down lately: mixed up, not myself. I have felt so many things at once that overflow and overwhelm me, and then I have felt nothing. In the midst of the whirlwind of frustration and blank minds,...

Friday Links: Negotiations in Syria

Sam Dobrotka, Staff Writer September 20, 2013

Over the weekend Secretary John Kerry announced the agreement to the Russian proposal to dispose of the Syrian chemical weapons without military force against President al-Assad. The proposal calls...

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