Death and All His Friends
Misfortune devours everything and leaves room for nothing.
Together, they create pain and sufferance.
Death, Disease, Calamity, Temptation—
They’re all driven by moral ignorance,
And they yearn for human condemnation.
Death persuades a sick boy to leave his pain
And fly through the clouds of eternity.
Temptation paints the adulterer’s stain
That leaves him forlorn and feeling filthy.
Disease cages a care-free little girl
And shackles her frail body to her bed.
Calamity darkens a man’s dry world
As his lungs fill with what feels like wet lead.
All your good fortune has come to an end
The moment you meet Death and all His friends.

Sydney Elizabeth Bell Gage, also known as Syd or Squid, was born in Fort Wayne, Indiana on Wednesday May 21st, 1997. She enjoys writing, reading, using...