Dear Diary: The Perfect Guy

Why is it so difficult to find a hot surfer who is both chivalrous and intelligent? If necessary, I will spend day in and day out searching for my Prince Charming.
I’ve kissed a lot of frogs, well not actual frogs, but boys who are on the same emotional and mental level as frogs. I’ve attempted to give these poor boys the benefit of the doubt, but not a single one transformed into the dashing, flawless man I expected them to be. I may not be a Disney princess, but don’t I deserve a happy ending?
I’m sick and tired of hearing, “Oh, there are other fish in the sea,” or, “You’ll meet your soul mate someday!” Someday?! Are you kidding me? I might as well sit at home with my 50 cats and my boys, Ben and Jerry. Just the thought of forever being alone makes me cringe.
There is only one solution to this certain predicament. I must find my Prince Charming, and I must find him fast, but not too fast, because I simply refuse to settle. A few days ago, I created a mental image of my dream guy, but he must exceed all of my expectations.
My knight in shining armor shall be a drop-dead gorgeous surfer because, let’s be honest, surfers are hot. A football player, a drama nerd, or a band geek, simply will not suffice. With that being said, my tanned and toned surfer stud will be one hundred percent chivalrous, constantly holding the door for me and offering me his coat.
With killer looks and killer manners, a girl can only request one more thing: intelligence. It’s essential. I would absolutely die if I was on a romantic date with a guy and his whole vocabulary consisted of “like”, “dude”, and “whatever.” I would flat out ditch my date before our appetizer even arrived. That is why I must find my Prince Charming, and he must be the most intelligent, chivalrous surfer in the entire world.
When fate eventually decides it’s time for me and my prince to cross paths, we will ride off into the sunset on his surfboard, of course.
Love, Beattie

Beattie Hoyle is a girl who thrives on the opportunity to be a unique individual. She is constantly found dancing, doodling, or writing, and whether she...