The Weird and the Wonderful

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A human hooked up to an electrode cap that monitored their brain activity using electroencephalography (EEG) moves a rat’s tail using specialized technology.


Gerald Freeman, hopes turn the small town of Nipton into a self sustaining green community, and he hopes to have the town function as independently from outside recourses as possible. When he bought the town in 1984 it was a ghost town. Since then, he has rebuilt the hotel, the store and the café. The town mainly functions as a tourist destination, but does have ten people who live there full-time. Freemen has converted most of the town to solar power, which produces about half of the electricity for the residents and has plans to create hydrogen, both for power and profit.


NASA has designed a new space suit called the Z-2; the new suit is one of several firsts.  It was the first to be tested in a full vacuum, and the first to make use of 3-D print technology, as well as the first to have the public assist in the design of the outer look.


Although it is fairly old, using technology to do something only thought of in science fiction is something that needs to be shared. Using a mixture of brains and technology, scientists at Harvard Medical School have made it possible for a human brain to move an unconscious rat’s tail, without the use of an invasive brain surgery. They say that someday soon it could be possible to link two humans the same way. However, the technology is still a long way off and further tests are needed.