An Internal Facade


Julie Day, Staff Writer

It is a feeling in your stomach:

the emptiness,

the hunger,

the self-loathing.


It is a feeling of depersonalization:

the cold sweat of panic,

the suffocation from poisonous thoughts,

the tears of defeat.


It is a feeling of placelessness:

the exhaustion from a lost night of sleep,

the scratches embedded on a now frail body,

the dark bruises staining your eyes.


It is a feeling of inadequacy:

the fear of rejection,

the pain of ridicule,

the constant need for approval.


It is a feeling of sudden terror:

the long nights spent paralyzed,

the lasting memories of the latest nightmare,

the fear of slumber.


It is a feeling of solitude:

the comfort found in death,

the disinterest in everything,

the darkness looming over a numb body.


It is a feeling of corpulence:

a feeling of constant worry,

a feeling of frustration,

a feeling of worthlessness,

a feeling of dread,

a feeling of complete desolation.