NFHS Robotics Team Competes in Championship
Three competitors from North pose with their robots. Students in the Robotics program spent many hours working on their robots. “We have to make sure everything on the robot is working and working at its maximum potential,” Noah Thomas said.
May 4, 2015
While many students spent Spring Break vacationing or sleeping, the NFHS Robotics Team traveled to Iowa to compete in the US Open Robotics Championship. They were invited, along with about 200 other teams, to attend, based on past performance and results. In preparation for the event, each of the three teams from North repaired, improved, and practiced driving their robots, which officials inspected once they arrived in Iowa. Each team went through a series of rounds of competition, finishing in varying levels of placement.
“Although we received no physical award, we all received memories and experiences,” said sophomore George Michael Huttick, one of the attendees from North.