A Habitat by Habitat
As it turned out, the job came out as more than just a personal experience. The three generations of men on my dad’s side all came out to work: Tom (Grandfather), Thomas (Father), and me (Thomas is my middle name, imagine that). Building beside my own fathers was something I had wanted to do my whole life, and I’ll never forget the experience.
Bim Peacock, Staff Writer
May 6, 2015
As it turned out, the job came out as more than just a personal experience. The three generations of men on my dad’s side all came out to work: Tom (Grandfather), Thomas (Father), and me (Thomas is my middle name, imagine that). Building beside my own fathers was something I had wanted to do my whole life, and I’ll never forget the experience.
Of course, it was not just us out on the build site. Every day, a new group of volunteers would come to help, ranging from religious groups to school teams to a group of enthusiastic bankers. Not a single person was unexcited to be there working, and everyone had their own interesting stories to tell and laugh about.
By the end of the first day, everything from the wall frames and insulation to the roof trusses themselves had been erected. It was utterly amazing to see what had been the mere flat foundation rise into the very bones themselves in a matter of a day.
One of the greatest days by far was the day my grandfather led me and two other guys in the installation of the doors. Between joking with them all and getting to work alongside my grandfather, I could hardly have hoped for a better experience.
The future owner (pictured on the right) was a woman named Wendy, who was moving in with her daughter and two grandchildren. Her enthusiasm for the work and project kept us all smiling throughout the weeks.
By the seventh week, all work had at last come to a finish. The beauty of our work amazed us all as the last swabs of paint and finish were finally laid on. I will never forget the experience of watching my own work manifest before my very eyes, and for certain I will be back to do the same again. To anyone wishing for a time filled with the meeting of new people and the sweat of a hard day’s work, nothing beats a day or so with Habitat for Humanity.