
“Everyone carries an insecurity, a chain around one’s ankle that seems to drag us further away from perfection. Some are self-induced feelings of inadequacy, but most of these insecurities have been explicated by others, making us feel inferior.”

Gracen Martin, Staff Writer

To be inferior means to be lower in rank, quality, or status. It means to be less important, to be minor, secondary. Primarily used as an adjective, inferior is used to describe something that is of lesser importance when compared to something else. However, in my opinion, I believe that inferiority is nothing but a feeling, an opinion. Everything and everyone on this Earth is equal until someone decides that is inferior. It is merely a measure of someone’s self confidence and the levels of power in the deciding character.


Everyone carries an insecurity: a chain around one’s ankle that seems to drag us further away from perfection. Some are self-induced feelings of inadequacy, but most of these insecurities have originated by others, making us feel inferior.


I suppose you could consider it bullying, teasing or just being mean, but it really just boils down to another’s need for power over someone else- superiority. By picking and prodding the flaws of others, the bully is presented with a twisted form of confidence that falsely satisfies their unhappiness regarding their own insecurities. In a contorted and tangled sort of way, the power-yearning individual feels comforted by blatantly bringing others’ noticeable flaws to that individual’s attention- as if they were not aware.


With the repetitive drilling of the phrase “everyone is different” into the minds of children and teens, how have we’ve decided that some traits are more desirable than others? If everyone is different, when did we decide that you are more of a person by possessing a “more admirable” characteristic? In the generation that is constantly fluctuating between trends and fads, is an immense struggle for the average teenager to attempt to conform to these unstable standards. It is a never-ending battle, impossible to win as a normal and natural human being.


You are not inferior. You might not bear a “desirable” trait, but you should not be compared to a Barbie doll. You are a human, and, in this twisted world, it can become a challenge to accept yourself the way that you are, especially with power-lovers breathing down your neck. But, despite the constant hate and unkind words, keep your head high and ignore the ones that try to drag you down. Self acceptance is the first step to a healthy, happy life style. Love yourself and others and do not let the iniquitous words of others allow you to see yourself any different.


Psalm 139:14- “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”