Results of Super Tuesday
Thousands of people go to their local voting locations to give their opinion on who our next president should be.
March 15, 2016
Every four years, coming along with the presidential election, there is an event called Super Tuesday, a day where the greatest number of U.S. states hold primary elections and caucuses. This year, Super Tuesday was on March 1st and had an outcome similar to what was expected.
Thousands of people traveled to their local voting areas to take part in the process of deciding the candidates from the two main political parties, Democratic and Republican. It is a very serious process, no cell phones or any devices with the capability of photography are allowed inside. When there, tickets are received and you go vote in one of many machines.
Outcomes were as many had already predicted. Prior to Super Tuesday, only four candidates had won a state primary. These were Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Hillary Clinton, and Bernie Sanders. After Super Tuesday, another Republican candidate joined the winners, Marco Rubio, who up to this point had only gotten to second. Ben Carson and John Kasich still have yet to win, and have been scoring very low.
The list of states voting on Super Tuesday is large; Alaska for Republicans, Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado for Democrats, Georgia, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, and Virginia. Eleven states in total. Overall, Donald Trump was the clear winner with Republicans, Hillary Clinton with Democrats. Trump won: Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Massachusetts, Tennessee, Vermont and Virginia. Rubio won Minnesota, while Cruz won Alaska, Oklahoma and Texas. With Democrats, Clinton won seven of eleven states: Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Massachusetts, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia. Sanders won Colorado, Minnesota, Oklahoma, and Vermont. It can also be noted that Clinton and Trump won the same states, with the exception of Texas and Vermont.
Now that Super Tuesday is over, we are able to see the likelihood of candidates being in the General Election. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have a large lead on the other candidates, however, Democrats and Republicans have different requirements for nomination. Democrats must accumulate 2383 and Republicans must accumulate 1237.
Hillary Clinton, a Democrat, has received 1034 delegates by Midnight March 1st. Bernie Sander has accumulated just less than half of what Clinton has earned, 408 delegates. Republicans, with over twice as many candidates still running, accumulates much fewer delegates than Democrats. Donald Trump has acquired 319 delegates, 93 ahead of Cruz with 226. Marco Rubio has collected 110, making him the last candidate with a real potential to win at this point in the race. John Kasich, with a less than a fourth of what Rubio has, has 25 delegates, and with Ben Carson at 8.
This far in the primary election the results that we see after Super Tuesday can still fluctuate. Even the lowest and farthest back candidates still have a chance to pick back up. Nothing is set in stone until June, where the last of the states have their voting.