The Past Eight Years: Accomplishments of President Obama
President Obama: 102nd Abraham Lincoln Association Annual Banquet. Crown Plaza Hotel, Springfield, Illinois. President Obama has made many positive changes over the past eight years. His presidency is quickly coming to an end as he leaves the White House in January to president-elect Donald Trump.
December 19, 2016
With the president-elect chosen, everyone seems to be focused on Donald Trump. Barack Obama, who has been occupying the White House since 2008, promised change – so here’s looking back at some of those changes as he nears the end of his presidency.
- Became the First Black U.S President: In 2008, President Obama undoubtedly made American history as the first black president. The news was a major turning point knowing America’s past with race issues.
- Raised Minimum Wage: In 2013, Obama urged states to raise minimum wage to $10.10 an hour. As a result, 18 states have complied.
- Recovered the Failing Economy: In the couple of years before Obama was elected, America was said to be going into its second “Great Depression.” Only a year after taking office, he signed a $787 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Weeks after it went into effect, unemployment rates started to decline. Now, millions of jobs have been created as a result.
- Passed Healthcare Reform: Health reform has a known history of defeat. Several presidents prior to Obama have tried but failed. Yet, the Democrats were able to pass the bill without one Republican vote. Beginning in 2014, the act supported 32 million uninsured American.
- Ended the Iraq War: “After nearly 9 years, America’s war in Iraq will be over.” said the president in 2011.The same war that has killed more than 4,4000 troops and made the U.S spend over $700 billion was officially over. The news overjoyed thousands, knowing their loved ones will finally be home for the holidays, no longer in war.
- Improved School Nutrition: Partnering with his wife, Michelle, the first couple signed Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act in 2010. The act produced a 4.5 billion spending boost and higher nutritional and health standards for all U.S school lunches. New rules included: doubling the amount of fruits and vegetables and mandating only whole grains in the food served to students.
- Eliminated Osama bin Laden: On May 2, 2011, President Obama ordered the U.S Navy SEALs to travel to Pakistan and end the life of terrorist organization leader, Osama bin Laden. The man that lead the deadliest terrorist attack in America never paid his price and Obama saw that as unacceptable.
- Gave the FDA the Authority to Regulate Tobacco: In 2009, the President signed the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act. The act has been in the works for nine years and denied several times by the tobacco industry. The law makes it imperative that tobacco manufacturers display all ingredients, get FDA approval for all new products, enlarge the size of warning labels, and ban sponsorship of tobacco products for entertainment events.
- Supported Same Sex Marriage: President Obama fully supported the Supreme Court ruling on same sex marriage. He told the U.S, “In my second inaugural address, I said that if we are truly created equal, then surely the love we commit to one another must be equal as well. It is gratifying to see that principle enshrined into law by this decision.