
These photos signify the memories that dance through my brain every now and then. The moments frozen forever in time force a small smile onto my lips.
March 7, 2017
I remember that day,
Fresh lake water
Sloshing onto the shore.
The sun glistening softly
On the horizon.
Woods buzzing with life,
But ever so gently.
I remember that day,
Sandy feet
And sunburned skin.
Flames dancing joyfully
In the fire pit.
Hammocks swinging
In the soft breeze.
I remember that day,
Ever so slowly
Falling asleep
To the sweet chirp
Of the bird sand the warmth
Of the sun on my skin.
I remember that day,
Laughing with my friend
At the silly things we’d do.
Exploring the woods,
Our bikes crunching
Over the pine and leaves.
I remember that day,
But now the sweet memories
Are stored in mere photographs.