Do you Live to Give?
Students and teachers at first meeting of brand new charity based club at North Forsyth High School, Live to Give.
September 8, 2017
Live to Give, a brand new club at North Forsyth High School, was started up this 2017-2018 school year by Mrs. Dykes who is the official sponsor. This club is a charity organization which will be acting as an umbrella over the other charity- based clubs in the school such as Simple Charity, Key Club and Y- Club. Mrs. Dykes, who is the official sponsor of this organization said, ¨We can make this whatever we want it to be, we can have quite an impact on our community and any ideas are very much valued.¨
The plan for the club is that a representative from each service club in the school will be involved with Live to Give so that they will all have better connection to the central donation based service. These representatives will be called Club Ambassadors; ¨Ultimately the goal is to care for our community,¨ says Dykes.
Upcoming, the organization’s first donation drive will begin on Tuesday, September 12 for the homecoming parade and there was speculation at the first meeting about competition between the grades for the most donated items for this drive. The winning grade will receive a prize which at the moment is unknown to the students. Throughout the club, it is planned to have different committees. A few will be a new- student welcoming group, student birthday recognition group that will be sending birthday cards made by the engineering class on campus, a sunshine committee to raise the spirits of students who are out sick/ having a family crisis for an extended period of time, Elementary school buddies and an attitude of gratitude for teachers, custodians and administrators.
Club member, Azilee Richardson says, ¨I think Live to Give is a great way to get clubs to reach out to the community together¨
Overall, Live to give´s goal is to better our community, state and even nation. Raider Nation has high hopes for this club to branch out to Elementary and Middle Schools so students may be involved throughout their schooling career.