Forsyth County School Systems Claim the Title of “Highest SAT Scores” in Georgia
All five major high schools in Forsyth County passed the SAT with flying colors. The average rounded out to 1167. These photos were taken from their school websites through
November 30, 2018
This year, students in the Forsyth County School System scored an average of 1167 on the SAT, which is above the state and national average. A total of 2,206 students took the SAT, scoring an average of 589 in the reading/writing section and 578 in the math section.
Forsyth’s mean score improved by 21 points this year from last fall (1146 to 1167), which put them ahead of Oconee County Schools (1163) and Decatur City Schools (1161) for graduating seniors in 2018. Walker County Schools (1150) and Buford City Schools (1142) rounded out the top five highest-scoring schools in Georgia.
Superintendent of Forsyth County Schools Jeff Bearden stated, “We are extremely proud of our students and staff, and congratulate them on this outstanding accomplishment.” Bearden also expressed how overjoyed he is regarding how the community continually supports him and his facilities work to prepare and inspire all learners to lead and succeed.
The Georgia Department of Education declared that the 2017 SAT results set a new baseline for year-to-year comparisons. Results from earlier stats were based on the old SAT, which had a different score scale and different benchmarks. The 2017 and 2018 SAT scores are comparable, but direct comparisons to 2016 or earlier are not accurate.
On the ACT, all five high schools in the district scored above the state and national composite scores of 21.4 and 20.8 respectively. North Forsyth High had a composite score of 22.9. Georgia’s average composite score of 21.4 has stayed steady from 2017 to 2018 but was higher for the third consecutive year. In the end, Georgia ranked 24th in the nation on the ACT.