Bigfoot FOUND in North Forsyth Woods: EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW
Bigfoot was spotted within very woods of our school, walking down the new trail that leads to D lot on Dec. 5 late Thursday morning. It is believed that this is the same Bigfoot seen a couple weeks ago by two high school students.
I was walking up to the school from D lot, and to my dismay, I spotted Bigfoot strolling down the trail. I asked Bigfoot a list of questions; however, Bigfoot was unwilling to comment on any of my questions and quickly scurried away not before I could take a picture.
Some Bigfoot hairs have also been found on a tree near the scene of the sighting, which has been sent to scientists for them to test. However, the test so far is inconclusive as it may be gorilla hair, not Bigfoot hair.
Matt Moneymaker, president of Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO), briefly commented on the sighting, saying “it is very possible that a Bigfoot would be spotted in North Forsyth.” His show “Finding Bigfoot” is planning to make a stop at our school to gather evidence of Bigfoot’s existence.
Students have been searching for Bigfoot all over school campus since two unnamed North Forsyth students saw a strange figure in the distance while hunting on their land in Forsyth County. This strange figure came closer to the two boys, revealing what looked like Bigfoot.
The boys immediately called an anonymous hotline to Georgia’s Bigfoot headquarters at Expedition: Bigfoot! Adventure Outpost to report their Bigfoot sighting. Based on their description, experts believe the Bigfoot is seven-foot female, weighing 350 pounds. Luckily, the North Forsyth students photographed the foot, which allowed Bigfoot experts to get a better idea of the size of the Bigfoot.
In other news, the Atlanta Zoo has been missing their beloved female gorilla named Wendy. She has been missing since Sunday, Nov. 17, and the zoo has desperately been looking for her. If you or anyone you know has seen her report to the police immediately.

This will be my fourth and final year with the Raider Wire. I am the Editor-in-Chief along with Abby. I hope to actually become a real journalist one of...