Tips To Finish NaNoWriMo

National Novel Writing Month has a website. (Photo from Google)

National Novel Writing Month has a website. (Photo from Google)

National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) happens every year during the month of November. Both newbie writers and seasoned veterans can participate, churning out new pieces of literature for both public consumption and personal pleasure. The goal is to write a 50,000 word novel or manuscript in 30 days. This can be a daunting task for inexperienced writers, especially if it’s never been attempted before. However, there’s some tips that all users of the pen (or computer keyboard) can use to stay on track and do quality work during NaNoWriMo.


  1. Make It Your Own

National Novel Writing Month doesn’t have to be something that constrains the creativity and passion of the writers participating. Though the targeted type of writing is generally creative fiction, if that genre does not strike your fancy, you can mold it to your own liking. There’s no point in participating if there is no enjoyment to be reaped from the activity. Make it your own and create something that you’ll be proud of once this month ends.


  1. Don’t Let Fear Stop You

Don’t let the possibility of “failure” keep you from writing this month, especially if it’s on the basis of word count. As long as effort is applied to share the creativity that is harbored in your mind, there is no failing NaNoWriMo. 


  1. Share… Or Don’t

What motivates you to write? Do you write for others, or is it purely for yourself? Depending on your preferences, sharing could be a good option to keep you motivated to write during NaNoWriMo. If there’s an audience who reads and encourages you to write more, then it can keep you on the right track. However, if the pressure of sharing your work before it’s been polished and edited stresses you out, then it’s okay to keep it as a personal project.


  1. Set Goals

It can be incredibly easy to fall behind, especially if you become engrossed in day to day life while forgetting to put pen to paper. Therefore, setting goals for yourself can aid you in staying within the timeframe and structure. It doesn’t have to be word count either. It could be a scene, a section, a page, a chapter, or whatever motivates you to keep going. 


  1. Carry On Past November

Any great novel is not written in a month, so don’t constrain yourself. If you’re passionate about your project, feel it has potential or just enjoy writing creatively, then carry on into December and beyond. Everyone can share the story lines and ideas in their mind with enough work and determination, so if that’s something that calls to you, make every month one to write a novel.

Writing isn’t always easy. That doesn’t mean it has to be a daunting task. (Photo from Google)