Over the years of schooling, everyone has had a favorite teacher at some point. If there is a teacher you don’t really like, then there is a teacher you absolutely adore. I can’t really wrap my head around falling in love or making a teacher one’s archnemesis for life, but if that’s what works, it’s fine.
What type of teacher personality do you prefer? The funny teacher? The coach? Or even the strict teacher? Which personality do you think is the best? My personal opinion holds little weight on the matter, but if I had to choose, a strict teacher would be most suitable for me.
I know, it may seem unreasonable or even ridiculous. Why would I want a teacher who hardly gives me any freedom? These types of teachers personally work best for me as they help me stay on track with my studies, and they don’t even have to be a good teacher, just one that helps me stay focused.
Some personality types I think are at the top for students are ones that are funny and caring about their students. The majority would agree that a teacher who can connect with students despite their teaching style is a preferred teacher.
The other class clown. All students know at least one or two teachers that crack them up. Their comical sides are shown in their stories or with physical interactions in the classroom. The continuous banter between students is always something that brings a welcoming atmosphere to the classroom. I used to dislike this type of teacher since I always thought they might be immature and get off track easily. This type of teacher will rant about something for hours on end and before you know it, the bell has rung and you haven’t learned a single thing except for some niche unusual fact about your teacher you genuinely could’ve lived without.
The coach. The coach can be the best or the worst. I’ve had my taste for both. They are unruly and loose in their own way. One would be terrifying and the other would be your partner in crime. Most of them don’t really possess the teacher vibe like regular teachers do and their classroom is a bit more informal. I personally don’t favor this classroom setting as it may produce annoying, unhinged children and a high chance of favoritism.
After conducting a poll with an estimated 54 responses from North Forsyth students, the results were clear,—the ¨Funny¨ teacher was the most preferred teacher personality. While this stands true for most students, the ¨Laid-Back¨ came in second, with the ¨Unhinged¨ and ¨Young¨ teachers tied for third. I am not surprised the “Funny” teacher came in the lead, but the “Young” teacher did surprise me; however, I can understand since most young teachers are able to relate to students better, therefore matching the energy and passions of students.
No matter what category is chosen, I do believe that the superior teacher is one who teaches their students well while maintaining an engaging environment and positive connections with their students, which best fits the strict teacher.