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The Raider Wire

The student news site of North Forsyth High School

The Raider Wire

The student news site of North Forsyth High School

The Raider Wire

Fun Controversial Opinions

Kinley Waltman
These are my opinions, you’re welcome.

Have you ever chuckled at how some debates seem to be more about laughter than serious arguments? It’s like finding joy in the little differences we all have. Well, some people are not going to be chuckling about my top 10 controversial opinions.


  1. Jorts are cool.

Love ’em or hate ’em, jorts are making a comeback. Sure, some might still cringe at the sight, but who cares? Jorts can be worn in the summer and still add a bit of style to your wardrobe, and we all know that summer fashion is not as stylish as winter.


  1. Team Edward.

The big question: team Edward or team Jacob? Team Edward is the right choice. He’s dreamy. He’s angsty. What’s so special about Jacob? He can imprint? Yeah, wonderful, he fell in love with a child. At least Edward’s type is actually his age– or at least the age he’ll look forever. Plus, he has that whole sacrificing-his-existence-for-Bella.


  1. Earth is NOT flat.

Look, if the Earth was flat, we’d have a whole lot more falling off the edges. But guess what? We’re not. Gravity keeps us stuck right here on this round planet. So let’s drop the flat Earth talk and stick with what we know; we’re living on a big, round rock spinning through space. Deal with it.


  1. Football is overhyped.

Football is like that friend who always insists on being the center of attention at every party, but ends up tripping over their own feet and spilling the punch. It’s a game where players run around for hours, stopping every few seconds for a huddle like they’re planning a bank heist instead of a touchdown. And let’s not ignore the insane amount of money thrown around like confetti out of a piñata.


  1. Aliens are real.

Those who don’t believe in aliens, do you really think we are the only living things out of the whole universe? With billions of galaxies and trillions of stars, it’d be more surprising if we were truly alone. For all we know, humans are the real aliens. So logically, if you really think that there are no other stars in the entire universe that have little rocks like our orbiting it, you might as well be living under one.


  1. Valentine’s Day can leave.

Valentine’s Day: a day where love is sold and singles feel left out. It’s all about buying stuff and pretending to be romantic, but real love isn’t about that. It’s just a made-up holiday to make money. If you want to know more about my reasoning, check out my latest article here.


  1. Government sucks.

US government. It’s like a circus without the fun—you’ve got clowns running the show, tightrope walkers balancing budgets and an audience that’s just waiting for the next big disaster. Not to mention the cult-like following that political parties have come to resemble; they have become their own circus within the tent. 


  1. Taylor Swift is overrated.

Yes, I know this is a strong statement. But let’s think about the reasons she is a self-centered, selfish, ignorant person. She’s like a black hole of self-absorption, where every relationship is just another song for her next album, and every public feud is a chance to play the victim. She thrives on portraying herself as the victim while conveniently ignoring any responsibility for her actions. In her world, it’s all about her, with little regard for anyone else’s perspective or feelings. But I’ll get into more depth in my next article, so watch out for that.


  1. College is a pyramid scheme.

College is like that one Blockbuster movie everyone talks about but once you go see it, you realize it’s just some overhyped and glorified movie. People make it seem like the only thing you can do to be successful out of high school is college. When in reality, college ends up being a money pit, leaving you drowning in debt.


  1. Cancel culture, do we really need it?

Let’s be honest, cancel culture has not done one good thing for anybody. Someone will find something 10 years in someone’s past; it could be minor, but decide to try and cancel them for that. It’s like a twisted game of “Guess Who’s Next?” where everyone’s afraid to speak up about their opinions for fear of being labeled. Cancel culture is taking away freedom of speech and does not help us in society.

About the Contributor
Kinley Waltman
Kinley Waltman, Editor-in-Chief
Heyo! My name is Kinley, and I am a junior this year. This is my third year in journalism. I am excited to say I am the Editor and Chief of journalism this year. I enjoy skateboarding and most likely outside of school I am playing with my cat, Kristof. He is such a cuddle bug. I also enjoy watching shows/movies with my mom; our favorite genre would have to be horror or mystery. My goal for this year is to become an advanced writer. I’m very excited for the Lit Mag this school year! Have a bad day.