is it a sin to want you?
to want you, all of you, and nothing else?
or does it balance out?
because i want solely for you.
or is it greed?
to want everything.
because to me, you are everything.
and what is worse,
is that if i wanted other things,
like a career or money or happiness,
i could have, in part, satisfaction.
but i want none of these.
i want everything.
i want late summer nights,
and soft-spoken conversations,
and dinners and parties and dinner parties.
i want every word with you,
and every combination, too.
i have early winter mornings,
and boisterous laughter,
and birthdays and cake and birthday cake.
i have sentence fragments,
i cannot even avoid things we do together,
because we did every thing together.
every thing, everything.
nothing is my repentance
nothing, everything.
there’s a reason only seven sins are deadly.