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The Raider Wire

The student news site of North Forsyth High School

The Raider Wire

The student news site of North Forsyth High School

The Raider Wire

The exasperated groaning sounds were reportedly heard as far away as the 200 hallway. “I heard the students’ cries while in biology,” said Sophia Pereira, a freshman who was in the 200 hallway during the AP Human Geography class incident. “That must be a good fifty yards between the bio class and the pods, right? And there are the brick walls, too. The AP Human students must have been very irritated.”

Freshman Causes Widespread Despair with Geographic Cluelessness

Jack Scott, Staff Writer October 14, 2016

In a stunning display of ignorance, Jay Marois, a freshman in AP Human Geography class, pointed at the small northern European country of Denmark on Friday when asked to locate China on a map. “I just...

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