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The student news site of North Forsyth High School

The Raider Wire

The student news site of North Forsyth High School

The Raider Wire

The student news site of North Forsyth High School

The Raider Wire

The Raiders give a valiant attempt against the Wolverines!

A Win for the Wolverines

Iris Chiofolo, Opinion Editor September 5, 2023

On Friday, Sept. 1, North Forsyth’s Varsity football team lost against the West Forsyth Wolverines with a final score of 14-17. It’s been several years since North lost a football game against West....

Photo credit to Micah Green at the Forsyth County News--Junior Wyatt Campbell participated in the drill for ROTC because not enough West students signed up to help. While Campbell had some reservations about how seriously some people took the training exercise, he thought that it was still valuable. “Overall, I think that it was an interesting experience.”

School Shooting Training Drill Carried out at West Forsyth

Jack Scott, Staff Writer April 18, 2017

On Tuesday, Feb. 22, Forsyth County law enforcement went to West Forsyth to practice for a school shooting scenario. The drill involved over 100 police officers and firefighters as well as over 200 students,...

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