Raider Team: Swift, Silent, and Deadly

November 4, 2014
Students who do any extracurricular activities outside of school on North Forsyth’s campus have definitely seen the Raider Team running countless miles around the school even if they don’t know what a Raider Team is.
A Raider Team is when a JROTC (Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps) unit groups together some of their most physically advanced students to compete with other schools in numerous events. The term “Raider” is not associated with the NFHS’s mascot, but rather a term for each individual competitor. Each event challenges the physical and mental strength of each individual member on the team, as well as the team itself. From running three miles with ammo cans filled with sand, to getting a team over a 12 foot wall, the Raider Team events cover almost every physical challenge an armed service member could run into during combat. Most of the challenges consist of a team run, an individual run, obstacle courses, a three to four mile run with various weighted objects, a 60 foot rope bridge building challenge, and many more vigorous events. For each event, three different teams compete from each school: a male team, a co-ed team, and a female team. The male team consists of the strongest males in the unit, the female consists of the toughest females, and the co-ed is a combination of male and female. Each team has a leader, known as a commander.
Male team commander, and NFHS junior, Alex Peacock describes the team as “a hardcore team that I could not be more proud to lead, guide, and direct.”
The team has meets almost every Saturday, and would love the support and motivation.