Headline: Freddie Gray’s Death Sparks Riots; Baltimore in a State of Emergency


Jack Dalmolin, Staff Writer

Burned buildings, destroyed cars, and multiple injured police officers are scattered throughout Baltimore, Maryland. Riots began as early as April 19, when Freddie Gray, an African-American man from Baltimore, was arrested and led into a police vehicle where he died from a spinal injury while in custody. After his funeral, riots began to form, and multiple people began throwing bricks, rocks, bottles, and any other blunt objects at the Mondawmin mall. Numerous police officers have responded to the aggression, and began pushing the rioters back as early as 3:30p.m. on Monday, April 27. Many other vandalistic activities have occurred such as burning police cars and destroying local businesses, forcing Baltimore into a State of Emergency.

A 10 o’clock curfew has been implemented and the National Guard has been called in to put a halt to the mayhem. Rioters are targeting the Baltimore police force by lighting fire to police cruisers and throwing stones at officers. A CVS was burned to the ground, and the Baltimore Orioles baseball game against the White Sox was closed to the public due to the civil unrest, making it the first game in history with nobody attending.