The Fox on the Rocks
To the darling girls, the dearest of boys; Hear now of the Fox, whose clock now stops Because he was a monster, for it was he that destroys.
March 24, 2016
The Fox strolled in, bound down by chain
The rabbits and rats, thrushes and cats
Cried high for blood, for such to fall like rain.
Slammed the gavel of stone, the Stag Magistrate
“Silence your shouts! Quiet your snouts!
All rise for the hearing, the Fox vs. the State!”
He stood there silent, hated by all
For murder and maim, and evil they claim
Circled round by beasts, within the courthall.
He watched that judge, and his antlers so proud
So strong yet such, perhaps compensating for much?
Not could he remark so, before this jury aloud.
“Convicted you are,” spoke the judge this time
“Of crimes of slaughter, of our sons and daughters”
Surely in this manner, for all beasts do rhyme.
“You have torn apart kin, throats just as well
Consumed lives for bread, defaced our dead!
Without remorse you kill, and ring screams like a bell!”
The forest rose up, outrage so clear
The squirrels and ‘coons, songbirds and loons,
Cried out for justice, masking such fear.
“Hear us, now, villain of all
Us creatures abused, our lives so used
Your crimes, now, we bring to call.”
“Have you a word in protest, devil of a boy?”
That fox without doubt, his face without pout
Spoke “I am a monster, for I destroy”
Victory ruled, that court against he
With claps and cheer, the birds and the deer
Hauled him from judgment, to die by the sea
Across the fair forest, growing bright and green
Past trees and their hills, the winds and their chills
Dragged they the Fox, without hardly a scream
There they placed him, on a cliff on high
Far above the sea, and the rocks below he
Where the bones of his kin, so condemned did lie
Turned he to the crowd, and amongst their eyes of black lead
The vultures and crows, the scavengers he knows
Those among the mob, who his ways had fed
Even they cried there, damning him to death
His good deeds unheeded, his blood only, needed
Waiting and watching, the last of his breath
“Fine, I shall die!” he silenced their joys
To their shock he did scream, “But if I am a fiend,
Then your God is a monster, for it is he that destroys!”
With that he fell far, through the sky to the rocks
Not one did cheer, for still could they hear
The final words spoken before the death of the Fox.