Living Many Lives

Sophomore Megan Sing says that her favorite part of reading is that “it’s so peaceful and allows me to destress and take a break from the world,” and her favorite book is “I’ll Give You a Dollar If You Consider This Art.” Photo by Sarah Treusch.

Over the years

I have lived many lives

I have worn the crown of a king

And carried the burden of a wive

I climbed the highest mountain

And breathed the crisp air

I swam with sharks

Anxiety free with no care


I was an orphan girl

In 1942

With a lemon haired boy

Together we grew

I was his best friend

And he was mine

We stole the mayor’s books

Until the day he died


I walked in Tulsa, Oklahoma 

With friends like brothers

We came from broken homes

But we had each other

Our hair was greased

And we smelt of cigarettes

He told me to stay golden

And I’ll never forget


I was a wizard at school

The carrier of a prophecy

My parents died

Their legacy laid on me

My school was divided

into four

Red, yellow, blue and green

Our professors kept score


I was the girl on fire

The Mockingjay

I volunteered as tribute

So my sister didn’t have to play

I fell into that dystopian game

At the age of 18

Only one could win

So we bent the rules

And saved our skin


I watched two star-crossed lovers

Fall in love

So young, so blind

But their passion was enough

Their fate was

written in the stars

But they grabbed the pen

Au revoir 


I walked on the beach

With my toes in the sand

I waged treacherous waters

Barely making it to land

I flew a plane, drove a race car,

Sailed on the Titanic

I have lived so many lives

The number is barbaric


But then I turn the page

And I reach the back cover

My new life comes to an end

But I’ll take up another

I grieve my old life

For a day or two

But I pick up a new book

And wear someone else’s shoes