Presidential Race 2016
New speculation emerges as Hillary Clinton admits to considering entering the 2016 presidential race.
Rand Paul-
Being son of the former presidential candidate Ron Paul, many libertarian voters turn to Rand Paul for presidential candidacy in 2016. Although he has not released any official confirmation on entering the presidential race, Ron Paul supporters are already weary of the possible results of having him represent the libertarian party in 2016’s election–that is, if he does choose to do so. Rand’s political stance is more of a moderate to right-leaning ideology. He is closely related to the GOP, but he remains moderate in his political views. This is a political characteristic that voters of his father’s party take comfort in, but his moderation has not presented itself as enough to place him on the same pedestal that his father was placed on by libertarian voters placed his father on in 2012.
Jeb Bush-
Jeb Bush, former governor of Florida from 1999 to 2007, stated on Sunday that he was considering running for president in 2016. Bush, being the second son of former President George H. W. Bush and the younger brother of President George W. Bush, has not officially entered the race – yet he is a prominent Republican candidate. Many Republican Party officials and donors consider him to be an alternate to Rand Paul and recently controversial Chris Christie. Bush is known for his support of immigration reforms and Common Core education standards, both of which are left-leaning political reforms. Although he has not confirmed his entry into the presidential race, he did not stray away from sharing the approaches he would take to becoming president.
“Campaigns ought to be about listening and learning and getting better. I do think we’ve lost our way.” He added, “I’m not being critical of my party, but campaigns themselves are reflective of this new America.”
Hillary Clinton-
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton divulged her consideration for running for president in the next election on Tuesday. Many of her former advisors and close confidants have begun to organize a shadow campaign for her prospective run. Even Super PACs Correct the Record, American Bridge, and Ready for Hillary are urging Clinton to run.
“I am thinking about it,” Clinton said in response to question about the 2016 presidential election. “But I am going to continue to think about it for a while.”
The largest thing holding her back is the fact that presidential campaigns last a great amount of time. However, she does wish to change immigration laws and the current state of women in the workplace. For many elections now, her entrance into the presidential race has been rumored. Perhaps this time she will prove everyone right.

Lacy Hamilton is a senior at North Forsyth High School. At any given time, one can catch her in Target, lusting over kitchenware. Her other daily activities...