Raider Wire Staff Discussion: Dress Code


The Dress Code is the chains that bind the student body

Raider Wire Staff

This is the first year that the Raider Wire is doing a staff post. The goal of the post is to bring unity between the two journalism classrooms, and to highlight differing opinions on topics. Dress Code was chosen for our first topic.

Dress code is a strong topic within the current media, especially for women. Within the walls of North Forsyth High School, there has been great controversy surrounding the dress code and its misogynistic undertones. As a staff, the North Forsyth journalism class generally represents the many grades, socioeconomic backgrounds, genders, ideologies, and social groups of the campus. Therefore, we have compiled each staff writer’s opinion on the topic of dress code in hopes that the final product will convey the opinions of the school body.

Emma Franklin

The dress code is unfair, especially towards the girls. I see boys blatantly breaking dress code left and right, but if a girl sits weird or the shirt she is wearing falls wrong: instant violation. So either the dress code needs to change, or the way we see and persecute the dress code needs to change.

Ashton Bruce

My opinion on the dress code is that it’s perpetuating rape culture and oppressing women by saying that it is their fault that a man looks at their body if they wear revealing clothing. It is a girl’s fault if a man can’t control himself.

Erin Dickman

Once upon a school year, I was sauntering up from the gravel lot wearing my leggings with a longer t-shirt; you know, like all females around the end of the school year do.  All of a sudden, I a teacher’s voice stopped me in my tracks! “You need to come to the office immediately concerning dress code violation.”  Reluctant and frustrated, I stomped my way to the front office in order to hear my sentence. “You must go home and change,” the judge declared.  It was in that moment where I felt that school cares more about the material of my pants than my education.


JoAnn Ahn

Our school’s dress code is perfectly fine the way it is. Ever since the school administrators changed the rule about leggings, a tremendous amount of girls stopped complaining about how horrible North’s dress code is. Also, if a student gets dress coded for a piece of clothing that he or she knows is a violation, it is their fault, NOT the school’s.

Lacy Hamilton

Although dress code is certainly a necessary evil, the dress code of North Forsyth High School caters to men’s needs, having the female student body dress in a way that does not distract the males. This conveys the idea that a male’s education is more important than a females, which is an incredibly outdated concept that society should have gotten past by now. Now, certain rules must be enumerated in order to make the dress code fair for all students (i.e. four inches above the knee and three fingers rule); however, these are not just rules to implement among teenage students, as these rules hinder students’ individuality and sexualize parts of students’ bodies that are not inherently sexual. In conclusion, if an adult staff member of North Forsyth finds himself/herself distracted by the shoulders of a student, the problem that arises is not that of the student but rather that of the deviant employee.

Maddy James

In my opinion, I think the dress code set in place is acceptable to a certain extent. I do not believe that the administration is “putting down girls for their clothing choices” (so to speak); I think the administration is just trying to keep things appropriate, which is not bad. In a way, school is a work place; you aren’t allowed (in most offices) to dress with shorts extremely short and a crop top – it’s unprofessional.

Matthew McFadden

Our school’s dress code and its enforcers seem to target girls more than boys.  If a girl wears something that just barely violates the dress code, she spends the whole day worrying about whether or not a teacher will persecute her for it, but boys who violate the dress code do not have to worry as much, if any.  If the dress code does not change, the administration at least needs to enforce the code equally.

Natalie Wilson

Our school’s decision on dress code is far to dramatized by the students. I find the rules set for us to be perfectly fair and normal, and anyone should be able to find a shirt that fits them properly and covers them appropriately, or pants that don’t reveal parts of you that you know you shouldn’t flaunt. It’s all a matter of remembering our basic morals as humans and putting them in action, even in the presence of the boy you’re trying to snag with your “smoking hot body.”  There are plenty of clothes available to you that are trendy and modest at the same time.

Noelle Walker

I believe that most of the dress code is unreasonable. If someone shows up in inappropriate clothing, such as an extremely low V-neck, or tremendously undersized shorts, they should be punished. But if someone shows up in yoga pants or a modest tank top, it should be okay. Lots of people wear things mainly for comfort or for appearance. They shouldn’t be punished because it doesn’t follow the “three finger” rule for shirts or the fingertip regulation.

Owen Wickman

I think dress code is completely overrated and doesn’t really serve much purpose. I know some girls that bring a change of clothes to school because they know they will be dress coded. It’s not really “distracting” when girls wear something out of dress code, anyway. It serves no purpose. As long as people are wearing clothes that cover them to a good level then there shouldn’t be regulations set concerning how students dress.

Julie Day

Dress code is mainly pointed towards females, which is ridiculous. Sending girls out of their learning environment because their shoulders or knees are showing is demeaning. If a guy wears a shirt with huge holes or purposefully wears their pants low, they don’t receive punishment. When it comes to the point where girls are taken out of the classroom because their bodies are distracting to guys, it is time to re-evaluate standards. Maybe instead of seizing learning opportunities from girls, guys should be taught some self-control.

Rachel McCord

I believe that the dress code for our school is reasonable; however, the way that it is enforced is very unfair. For example, if a boy were to wear cut-off shorts of questionable length, no one would notice, you never hear about a boy getting called out for dress code. However, if a girls’ shirt is too short, the rip in her jeans is a little too big, or her shoulder is being revealed a little too much, it isn’t long before she is asked to change or go home. I am not denying that some of the apparel worn at our school is inappropriate. Some things should be called out; however, I believe that the judgment used in determining this should be the same for both genders.


Raicheal Havins

The dress code objectifies women and restricts creative expression. Clothes and hair are how we identify with our sense of individuality, and the dress code severely compromises our expressive ability. The sense of self is not the only issue though. The over-sexualization of women in society should not be pressed on the “safe and welcoming environment” school is supposed to present. In the world outside of school, how you dress is up to you, and no one passes a second glance. The same should apply here. Our clothes and hair are not meant to be sexual, alluring, or distracting, we are merely expressing ourselves.

Jack Dalmolin

I believe that students should have the privilege to wear what they want without being limited by an unnecessarily strict dress code. A more permissible dress code would benefit the student body as a whole by allowing individuals to express themselves through their clothing style.

Morgan Champion

Dress code has been a conflict among students for many years. North Forsyth High School enforces strict rules limiting the way teenagers dress. Some of these policies include but aren’t limited to: dresses should be one iPhone length above the knee, if not longer, no sleeveless attire, and many others. I believe, with all due respect, that these policies are too restricting. Adolescents should have the opportunity to express themselves. However, I do understand what the school is attempting to enforce, but as long as students choose what to wear wisely, I don’t see a problem with offering them a lighter dress code.

Kayla Salemi

I think that dress code is necessary to an extent. I do not think young women should wear clothes that are very revealing, but I also know in the summer time I don’t want to be wearing skinny jeans. I think that the dress code should be altered a bit towards the warmer seasons.

Rayne Crivelli

Girls, do you have a body? Congratulations, you now meet all of the requirements to wear a bikini, short skirt, crop top, and even yoga pants. Don’t let anyone but yourself tell you what to wear. Your stretch marks aren’t hurting anyone by being exposed and neither is your muffin top or arm flab. Dress code is inherently problematic because of its enforcement, as well. It is not fair for Student A and Student B to be treated differently because one encounters Miss Strict and the other encounters Mr. Lax, or because one is a size 2 and the other a size 16. World War III will not start because a girl shows up to school in a crop top, and if that’s the worst thing you could expect from your students, you might be doing well as an educational institution.

Colin Bergen

Honestly, I’m not that bothered by dress code. It has never really inconvenienced me in any way, and I only occasionally hear teachers getting all flustered about it. However, I know it can get a little ridiculous, like with hats and highlights. I haven’t heard of anybody getting killed by a bright highlight thus far.

Jack Scott

The dress code in North Forsyth High School is allegedly intended to halt males from being “distracted” by the exposure of skin on females. Firstly, it does not work in stopping hormones from doing their job and instead excels at enforcing the rules for only females. Secondly, it bases its doctrines on the fallacious concepts that males are incapable of functioning normally around females, and that females exist primarily to evoke physical attraction.

Rhiannon Martin

I believe that dress code is sexist, demeaning to women, and uncalled for. We were preached to at a young age about how women are the same as men and of how hard we fought to have our rights, but dress code just degrades us and takes our rights away. So just because a boy cannot control himself if he sees a shoulder, a knee cap, or collar bones, the ladies of North Forsyth High School are given a strict dress code and must conform to the needs of a boy. This is unfair and cruel. I understand that there must be some limitations, but as long as butts, bellies, and boobs aren’t visible, what is the problem?

Sam Perrymen

I think dress code is necessary in keeping a civilized and professional society at school. That being said, I think that there is a definite double standard between the rules imposed on boys and those imposed on girls. In today’s society, there is a much greater emphasis placed on the nudity of women than there is on t hat of men. This is due to the sexualized nature of women of society, and that carries over to dress code: The administration focuses more on girls wearing skimpy clothing and strapless shirts than boys wearing shorts above the knee.

Savannah Keith

Dress code is an insane, useless, inexcusable wreck of a rule.  Little about it makes sense, little about it is practical, and little of it pertains to the actual outside world we are all “being prepared for.” Not only are the values placed on dress code based on sexism and over sexualizing young bodies, but they also restrict freedoms known to the world outside of a public school’s walls. In the actual environment of America, I can dye my hair a combination of blue and purple, and it is no one’s business. In school, my hair and many others’ must remain a dull, natural color because, apparently, it is distracting to ever have color upon your person.

Tiffany Lovell

A dress code at any school is necessary, but the dress for North Forsyth High School has its faults. Most of the rules are only enforced on the females of the school. This is because females breaking dress code are considered distracting to the males, but when it’s hot, I myself would like the ability to wear shorts, a clothing item not permitted by the dress code. Parents should be teaching their sons that women are not sexual objects, so females have the ability to wear shorts that aren’t four inches above the knee. Also, who can even find shorts only four inches above the knee?

Amanda Lewsader

In my opinion, dress code is unfair because West Forsyth and Forsyth Central High School are allowed to show off their butts (not saying that I would) while North Forsyth students are not even allowed to wear shorts above four inches.

Ethan Simmons

I disagree with the dress code entirely. I think it is shameful and degrading to the girls at this school. It makes them feel awful about themselves and the way they look. We need to follow the example set by Central, Lambert, and South High and repeal our dress code entirely.

Cameron Conner

It is very easy to look at things like dress code, sexism, or racism and get angry, but in the end there is really no purpose for anger. We are all nothing. Nothing but dust and a few layers of skin covering brittle bones and ropes of vein. The lot of us are nothing but liars and bigots, self-obsessed and vain. So in the end, who really cares about dress code? Who is surprised? Every moment of our existence will be spent being oppressed by others or by our own basic functions.

Gracen Martin

I understand where the administration is coming from when they don’t want their students’ butt cheeks displayed for the public, but most of the dress code is completely outrageous.  There’s no denying that the dress code is directed towards girls, even with teenage boys walking around campus in muscle t-shirts and Chubbies.  The whole concept behind the girl’s part of the dress code is to keep from distracting the boys from learning. Now, if a fifteen year-old boy is attracted to my shoulder, then that is his own personal issue. With that being said, I believe that it is completely unfair to expect young girls to adjust themselves because a boy can’t handle himself if there is more than four inches of a girl’s thigh visible.

Brandon Moss

Dress code should be an all or nothing situation. Genders should not be a factor in what the dress code entails. The possibility of having no dress code in this school, due to our location and majority’s moral values, is not very high. Reaching a civil compromise between both sides of the political spectrum would result in making the dress code enforced, no matter the extent of its parameters. This way unjust behavior is not segregated.

Caitlin Shelby

I agree with the mindset that hypocrisy and double standards are morally wrong, especially when present in a public establishment. To unfailingly condemn girls to embarrassment and punishment while walking idly by the illegally-dressed male population is a blunt example of this. Unfortunately, it all too often is present in our school; I believe many of us can admit to having seen it. Double standards based on gender are sexist. If this was not the case, I still would have a problem with the restraining and frustrating rules which are currently in place. Being a strict rule-follower, I know that rules are man-made and subject to change according to the will of the people and the circumstances of the times. I do think that legs and shoulders add anything to wary the approach that already exists when it comes to education.  If anything, I believe comfort and freedom of expression would create a more inviting environment in which to learn. By allowing for a more casual approach to education, the school system would be loosening a major portion of the tension that is so closely associated with dislike and disinterest for/towards school. I foresee nothing but positivity stemming from a closer and updated inspection of the existing rules of dress code.

Hannah Manikowski

When girls are denied class time on the basis of what they wear to school, the message that is sent to them is that their education is less important than eliminating the potential distraction they may be to their male peers. It shifts the responsibility of men maintaining self-control to the women around them. It sets a dangerous precedent of male entitlement to women’s bodies and creates the idea that women must present their bodies in a way that aligns with male ideas of acceptability. Dress codes not only target women – they dehumanize them. They teach young girls that some unshakeable part of themselves belongs to men. Dress codes are a step beyond annoying; they’re dangerous.

Perri Rabbitt

To be honest, I really don’t mind the dress code. I know; I know. I’m a girl and am supposed to mind. I have my own opinions, sure. I wish I could dye my hair pink, considering I have already dyed it all the other colors that are considered natural, but I am asked not to. I appreciate the boundaries because it allows me to focus on the things about myself other than what I look like. I don’t have to worry or be anxious or battle myself about trying to seek attention by exposing myself in ways that I don’t believe I should. I am asked not to, so I won’t. Wearing pajamas would be awesome, sure! I can wear sweatpants, though, and trust me I take that opportunity seriously. Instead of getting upset, running from the administration, and spending my energy fighting, I’m going to focus on other things. What I wear doesn’t make me the person I am.