The Most Famous Reindeer of All Turns Fifty

In the 1964 film adaption of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, Rudolph befriends an aspiring dentist elf (Hermey), and the two misfits embark on a journey to discover who they are. Over half-a-century, the world’s love for their loyalty has never burnt out.

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In the 1964 film adaption of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, Rudolph befriends an aspiring dentist elf (Hermey), and the two misfits embark on a journey to discover who they are. Over half-a-century, the world’s love for their loyalty has never burnt out.

Morgan Champion, Staff Writer

With Christmas right around the corner, everyone is surfing through their cable televisions and local convenience stores attempting to find the best new holiday block-busters, but perhaps, we are doing it all wrong. Perhaps, we do not need new films, as the classics will do just fine. In fact, one movie has lasted through the ages: half-a-century to be exact. This little reindeer has made a lasting impact on the way we think about the holiday season, despite his nose. On December 6th, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer marked its 50th  since the premiere in 1964.

Despite its stop motion animation and predictable storyline, the film has remained popular with families around the globe, and many find it difficult to believe that it is half-a-century old. Nevertheless, Rudolph will always remain the “most famous reindeer of all”.